
Showing posts from July, 2016
GREAT INFO TO BE SHARED! When I have lots of things in my head I'll sort sometime to spend on google hihi... So to avoid repetitive effort I'll list all info that I gain here!! it is a knowledge anyway... Great things are to be shared... =) Benefit of Masala Tea (kebaikan teh Masala): Aku terbeli kat cameron dulu hihi.. Suka la rasa benda2 yg new n weird ni kan.. Rasa rugi ooo kalau dlm hidup yg singkat ni kan hihi.. Hidup Mesti Adventurous Life la gitew!! hihihi... Biar Hidup lebih bermakna... Buat apa kita suka, apa yg perlu ya... So here's what make of a masala taste... =) First time hirup.. Perghhh panaih2 pedas2 gitew hihi ... It was Great!!Cuma aku xbape gemo bau nyer hihi so make sure hirup dr tumbler kecik ye.. so panas2 n kurang bau hihi... Thats all about masala.. Ahaa... satu lagi benda y g aku curious .... Benefit ginger soap.. sat cek p investigate... ngeeee... Stay tune okay...  Chow chin chow~