Don't Overthink!

Sometimes or I can just say most of the time... I am overthinking about almost everything!
It is just like a disease!! owh hoohhh... I also passed the aura of stress to my husband unintentionally...

Of course most of them are because and regarding my PhD ahhaahaa... Right now I am overthinking that bring out the idea of quiting my PhD... But my husband is always with me with all the positive words from him and also with all this hardship make me feel near to Allah S.W.T... I am starting learning how to perform solat tahajud... and recite al-quran almost everyday... Terima kasih di atas segala dugaan dan cabaran Ya Allah.. Sesungguhnya aku insan yg begitu kerdil yang terkadang terlupa kewujudan-Mu.. dgn dugaan dan cabaran ini mengingatkan aku, bahawa aku masih mempunyai-Mu ... Ku luahkan segala kesulitan pada-Mu dan ku mohon segala petunjuk dan dipermudahkan oleh-Mu... Alhamdullillah...😊

Image result for solat tahajjud

So I wish to start 2017... I will ignore the thing that had been done and past... It happens.  Be grateful everyday... Alhamdullillah we had been given a new day 😊

Recite dua every day:

Alhamdulillah... 😊💖💖


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